Thursday, February 5, 2009


I really really liked this passage. More than the miracle of being healed of his blindness, I was blessed by Bartimaeus' eagerness to know Jesus more closely through His healing touch. Sooo many times, I forget that I have a friend in Jesus. Such a simple statement can often go unnoticed or forgotten, but it's really really liberating to know that I have this intimate connection with the Son of God, and no one can take that away from me, no one can tell me to hush when I shout.

For so long, I didn't know what it felt like to desire Jesus like Bartimaeus does in this passage, and for so long, I didn't really care. But lately, I've been feeling like I can really identify with his longing for Jesus, and it's been a really powerful experience. When I seek God during my day, sometimes I don't necessarily feel Him or hear Him or see Him right away, but seeing how Jesus drew near to Bartimaeus when he drew near to Jesus, I have hope that Jesus will do the same for me.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Child-like faith

Two things happen in today's verse; Jesus is first put to the test through the question of divorce, and then the story of having childlike faith.
The only reason Jesus was asked the question of divorce was because the Jews were trying to trap Jesus and attempt to bring him down. Though we see them do this quite often, since they certainly didn't like Jesus very much, I wonder if we ever put ourselves in similar situation. For instance, are we always the agents of peace and patience in the relationships around us, or do we simply flame the fire of dissension? It's funny because in the sermon today, PD talked about how we ought to be patience towards one another and how we ought to be the agents of peace... and yet, how many times do we act like the Jews, trying to raise troubles and respond to evil by evil, in a way?

On another note, we are always reminded of the childlike faith, especially as we work with the children in RY, and yet I wonder if I can say I have the pure and simple faith of one of these children of God, who just like following their parents command without raising a fuss and asking all kinds of questions, how many times do we simply, and obediently, follow God's command? Instead how often do we find ourselves asking God, why, and how, and etc...

Marriage: a Life-Long Commitment

Having been married for a little over a year, I am still amazed at how God can bring two people together to make a life-long commitment to one another... When I think about Daniel oppa and I as individuals, we are the opposite of one another... we don't have any mutual hobbies... we have different interests... we grew up with different family experiences... and so on. However, as we put God at the center of our lives and of our relationship, none of our differences matter because what we have in common matter so much more! Being in Christ, we have the same beliefs and values, which affect the decisions we make on a daily basis... which in turn, affects our relationship as a married couple... It's truly amazing... and a true blessing how God has brought the two of us together and gave us this awesome opportunity to be committed to one another, striving to be Christ-like as one instead of as two individuals... =) I am challenged to love my husband more with God's love... and to continue to live with God at the center of our lives and relationship so that others (especially our students) can see how a marriage can be a blessing...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Following Jesus

It's been a while ^^...
Today's scripture is the transfiguration ~~
something that it's hard to know the full intent of it all,
other than the fact that Moses represents the days of
LAW, and the Elijah signifying the Prophet period...

As I was looking into the scripture, I did find something
from a different perspective this time.
That the three disciples where directly referred by God.
God spoke and said, "This is my Son, whom I love, Listen to him!"

Rather than "what" they heard, I'm just impressed that
God actually spoke to them directly, rather than saying
"Jesus! take care of these disciples so that they would listen to you!!"

The only thing I can get from this is this.
That when you follow steps of Jesus, God is in its business...
What we do for God, God is really observing, blessing, leading,
and talking to us at the same time !!

May God bless all of us, when we follow the footsteps of
Jesus Christ our Risen Lord !!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Sorry for such the late post..

Yesterday's passage was kind of hard to understand.. but what I did get out of it is that meekness is not a bad thing. We are supposed to be humble beings and that means being meek in front of others. We are not to act as if we have the authority in the world, or act worldy.. to act meek is like showing the worldly things do not take precedence in your life. Paul says, "We do not fight with weapons of the world." The power of God and the love He is, are our weapons. Being humble is especially one way to fight the things of this world.

I want to practice being more humble.. sometimes i certainly think that i am better than some people in some ways, but i have no right to do that because i am a sinner. we are all the same in God's eyes - His children. So let us not be boisterous and haughty, but humble and meek.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christ's Character

"You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion."

Wow what a humbling verse. I try so hard these days to save up my possessions - money, (haha) - only to be reminded that these are not my own, nor are they things that I should be hoarding by myself. God gives and provides so that we can share.. and not share just what we're willing to give away.. but be generous and share what God has willed us to give away from the beginning. I've been really selfish lately, and this verse feels like a good scolding =) I need to remember that I am God's, and what is mine is God's, too.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

환란속의 하나님의 위로

바울은 마게도냐 지방에서 극심한 환란을 당합니다. 그러나 그는 그 환란속에서도 주님의 위로를 받고 믿음으로 견뎌냈습니다. 그리고는 고린도인도 교인들에게 "봐라, 하나님을 섬기는 나도 환란을 당했다. 하지만 하나님께서는 그 속에서 나를 주님의 은혜로 위로 하셨다."라고 말합니다.

주님께 쓰임 받는 일은 생각처럼 순탄한 것은 아닙니다. 하나님을 섬기는 일은 밑지고 살아야 하는 것입니다. 한나라의 왕이었던 다윗도, 국무총리였던 요셉도, 어찌보면 자기 자신을 의지하며 살법도 한데 그들은 그러지 않았습니다. 그들의 지위를 놓고 보면 고생을 한번도 안했을법 한데, 하나님께서는 기나긴 환란을 그들에게 주셨습니다.

어려움속에서 그들이 택한것은, 슬픔과 애통이 아닌 하나님의 위로를 바란것이었습니다. 환란속에서 고통당할때 우리의 기도를 들어 주시는 주님이 있기에 우리는 더 큰 소망을 더 큰 꿈을 꿀수 있습니다. 모든 상황 속에서 모든 것을 내려놓고 주님의 이끄심을 느끼는 하루가 되길 바랍니다.